When you drive along country roads, you often see signs indicating an area that is a regular wildlife place to cross the road. In our area we might see ‘deer crossing’ and in the more northern areas it might be ‘Moose Crossing’. If you’ve ever seen the damage done to a car if it hits a moose, you would heed the warning.
On one of the roads near Rice Lake there is an area where turtles cross, and I have more than once been stopped on the road, waiting. There is something to that old fable of the Turtle and the Hare.
In Florida you might see ‘alligator crossing’. So I suppose the signs change for your area.
This is a long lead in to the picture I wanted and didn’t take. Somewhere, sometime I saw a sign near a nursing home that said ‘Senior Crossing’. I thought I remembered where I’d seen it, but was wrong. So now I need another sign.
The sign I chose is on a gate that leads to a field. There is no road, no building, no crop in the field. It is overgrown and easily missed. But, it is important to keep the gate closed. Wouldn’t want to let the weeds out.
I actually had two pictures to choose from this week and I chose this one because it seemed to fit what’s going on with my life lately.
The most direct route to the place where I’ve been taking a night school course is under construction and in my search for an alternate route I’ve run into many interesting signs, but none more so than a reminder to slow down for a curve. The fact that I was in my car when I took this accounts for the poor quality.
You never know when life is going to throw you a curve. Some curves are gentle and easy to deal with, some are sharp curves that come out of nowhere. But all curves are a reminder to slow down and enjoy today, because you never know what tomorrow may bring.
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