Welcome to our picture page!

If you're looking for Debby and Carol's photo challenge, you're in the right place! Like many creative people out there, we've decided to challenge each other to each come up with a picture a week for the next 52 weeks, taking turns picking each week's theme. However, unlike most others, we're not using fancy cameras and showing off our PhotoShopping skills. Nope, we're limiting ourselves to our phones, and our pictures will be undoctored. Join us here each week for a new picture!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Week 48: “Rain, no snow, no rain. Mother Nature make up your mind.”


Weather warning. Snow followed by freezing rain followed by rain when temperatures rise above freezing. I think Mother Nature needs a holiday. How is one to adjust to all these extremes. My photo is from out back of my place. It’s snowing though it’s not real apparent except for the heavy looking white sky.


I swear, I can’t remember ever having such an up and down winter. In the space of five days we went from a wind chill warning, to a freezing rain warning, to an extreme wind warning. It seems like every time I go to the weather network site there’s a new red banner warning of extreme weather. Enough is enough!

Yes, I did take a picture of the weather network website. And yes, there was a banner at the top of the page, warning about freezing rain on the way.

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