Welcome to our picture page!

If you're looking for Debby and Carol's photo challenge, you're in the right place! Like many creative people out there, we've decided to challenge each other to each come up with a picture a week for the next 52 weeks, taking turns picking each week's theme. However, unlike most others, we're not using fancy cameras and showing off our PhotoShopping skills. Nope, we're limiting ourselves to our phones, and our pictures will be undoctored. Join us here each week for a new picture!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Week 27: Let the Sunshine In


I have a fascination with abandoned buildings. There is such a history to be told in each and every building, lost when boarded up and left to wreck and ruin. I can watch the pattern, as it progresses, not the right word, to total neglect.

First there are the curious, maybe those acting on a dare, who cover the walls with lewd comments and other graffiti. Then there are those who aim to add to the damage done by nature and neglect, who break windows and doors.

As if someone cared, the windows are boarded up, the doors locked, the memories closed tight within to haunt the empty halls. Here is a place that begs to let the sunshine in, but I’m afraid the darkness will win out.


I love the sun. Specifically, I love the sun from a distance. I like to sit outside in the summer when the sun is shining and I’m in the shade with a cool breeze blowing. I also like sitting in the cool, dark house and just look at the sun shining outside.

This summer I spent a lot of time sitting inside with the curtains drawn to keep the sun out. I may be a fan of the sun, but not of the heat it generates. And we’re not even going to discuss the humidity.

This week was not a particularly sunny one, but we had at least one day bright enough for me to take my picture. One of my fondest memories of going to church with my mother is the way the sun shone through the enormous stained glass windows.

My bathroom window can’t really compare, but it still brings a smile to my face.

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