Wandering through the court where I live, I saw a beautiful peony, large and full, a gorgeous, isolated bloom. Unfortunately I didn’t have my phone with me. When I repeated that walk, the flower was looking a little sad, past it’s bloom so to speak.
Lucky for me, peonies are a popular choice among my neighbours. I found another bush, full of blooms in a deep and delicious pink.
I had to laugh as I wandered home. What did my neighbours think when they saw me? Peeping Tom maybe? No, just someone who loves flowers and is in search of something pink.
When I heard this week’s topic was “pretty in pink” my mind went immediately to the 1986 movie of the same title, starring Molly Ringwald. It’s one of those teenage flicks no one ever admits to watching, let alone liking. LOL
My second thought was to pose the granddaughter in a pink dress against one of the peony bushes in the garden, but I figured that would be a little too obvious. Besides, she’s pretty in many colours, not just pink.
But looking in the garden I don’t think there’s anything prettier than columbines (unless it’s a sweet pea, but it’s too early for those blossoms yet). If you look at the columbines just right they even look like little prom dresses, don’t they?
Welcome to our picture page!
If you're looking for Debby and Carol's photo challenge, you're in the right place! Like many creative people out there, we've decided to challenge each other to each come up with a picture a week for the next 52 weeks, taking turns picking each week's theme. However, unlike most others, we're not using fancy cameras and showing off our PhotoShopping skills. Nope, we're limiting ourselves to our phones, and our pictures will be undoctored. Join us here each week for a new picture!
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