Kind of a fitting topic for this week, because we’ve come to the end of our year-long challenge. After today there will be no new posts – this blog will be more or less abandoned.
This challenge has been both frustrating and fun. It could be frustrating to come up with a topic for our picture taking, and also to find the right photo opportunity for the week’s topic. But it was also fun trying to come up with something different or surprising.
All in all I think we did pretty good with this challenge. Now it’s time to pass the baton. Why don’t you give it a try?
I have a tendency to get bored with a project and set it aside as my interest moves on to something new.
I’ve tried to go back and get those abandoned jobs finished as they take up room and are a depressing reminder that I leave things unfinished
These granny squares have taken up space in this drawer for more than five years. All I need to do is figure out the colour layout and sew them together.
One day, one I’m bored and have nothing else to do.
This is a picture of the “Shame of Cobourg.” This abandoned building was once a majestic home with acreage that went from King Street all the way to the shore of Lake Ontario. Designed by the same architect that designed our iconic town hall, it went from being a family home to a private hospital and finally it was abandoned by everyone.
It changed hands several times and there is some question of who actually owns it at this point. But that hasn’t stopped the town from turning a blind eye to what’s happening to it now – demolition by neglect. Because it’s designated a heritage building it can’t just be torn down, but once it falls in on itself . . .
I hope before that happens I win the lottery.
Welcome to our picture page!
If you're looking for Debby and Carol's photo challenge, you're in the right place! Like many creative people out there, we've decided to challenge each other to each come up with a picture a week for the next 52 weeks, taking turns picking each week's theme. However, unlike most others, we're not using fancy cameras and showing off our PhotoShopping skills. Nope, we're limiting ourselves to our phones, and our pictures will be undoctored. Join us here each week for a new picture!
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