Family is the joy of Christmas as is giving and sharing. Crocheted gifts for charity, food items for the food bank and letters to soldiers overseas. Time spent with old friends. All of that is my joy.
The grandbaby asked for three things from Santa: an Elsa doll, cookies, and books. Needless to say, her wishes came true. There was a lot of joy to be had on Christmas morning but I think this smile says it all.
Welcome to our picture page!
If you're looking for Debby and Carol's photo challenge, you're in the right place! Like many creative people out there, we've decided to challenge each other to each come up with a picture a week for the next 52 weeks, taking turns picking each week's theme. However, unlike most others, we're not using fancy cameras and showing off our PhotoShopping skills. Nope, we're limiting ourselves to our phones, and our pictures will be undoctored. Join us here each week for a new picture!
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